Basis of Chakra Meditation
Really, the first step to activate our Chakras should be to identify it. it is only after we have identified our chakras that are inside our body, can we start to activate them.
So the first step invariably, is to identify the chakras within our body, by going inside our body. This is achieved through meditation processes that includes:
- Quieting of the mind
- Turning the senses inwards to go inside.
When this happens we achieved the sensitivity to be able to go inside our body. Then we use breath as a vehicle and find the Chakras that are inside our body. This is the basic meditation process to identify chakras in our body.
Once the identification happens all we need to do to activate our chakras, is to bring our attention again and again to the Chakras that we have identified. This awareness is the food of the chakras.
Awareness on Chakras is what sunlight is for lotus flowers. when sunlight falls on lotus flower, the flower Blossoms.This is also how our chakras activate. our attention is really like the sunlight that activates all Chakras and they open up.
Hence, it is no wonder that our chakras are represented as lotus flowers in eastern mysticism and in every Chakra diagram. The similarity is apparent.
This is really the authentic way of identifying our chakra and activating them; through direct experience. Only direct experience is the validation of success in this Chakra meditation. Only with and be able to tap into the powers that these chakras provide.
Every other method is based on visualisation and imagination and they are only just that. they are imaginary and they have never helped anyone.